Enactment Holidays


Enactment Holidays

Spend your holidays visiting the battle camps which the re-enactor groups establish close to the battlefield. A Climb back in time to experience the evocative battlefield locations which will prove to be a tour to remember.

  • Bon Voyage – The American Civil War, which ran from 1861 to 1865 resulted in the death of around 620,000 soldiers (making it America’s deadliest war), the defeat of the Confederacy and the abolition of slavery.
  • Battle of Neville – In common with many other battles of the medieval period, evidence of the events that took place outside Durham on the 17th October 1346 exists only on the shelves of libraries, but it comes from such diverse sources that at least we can be reasonably certain that they took  place at all.
  • Knights of Skillbeck – Stunning, 14th Century Re-enactment. Displaying the turbulent period in European history … The thrilling tournament of fully-armoured knights in battle, the precision archery displays, the graceful dances and the accomplished musicians, provide a non-stop tour of medieval life.
  • Lunt Roman Fort – Immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of Roman battle as you witness the struggles of the Roman Batavians. Experience Iron Age living history in the Dumnonika camp, be enthralled by battle re-enactment from the Britannia group (as seen on Horrible Histories) and encounter classic early Roman soldiers.
  • Waterloo Anniversary – Three years after the bicentenary of the Battle of Waterloo, meet the French and allied re-enactors in a family-friendly atmosphere.


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